

Hi and thanks for stopping by.

My name is Erik Yuzwa. I live in the Calgary area, and by trade I’m a full stack web developer.

I love to dabble in video content creation on YouTube, as well as putting together podcasts when possible. In Summons From Gallifrey, I’m diving into the adventures of Doctor Who (Classic), one of the longest running television programs, produced by the BBC.

I graduated from the University of Calgary in 1999 with a degree in Computer Science, and soon after founded my own software company, Wazoo Web Bytes that specializes in providing web development consulting services.

My Walk With Jesus

Sometime during Summer of 2022 I was saved by accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. It’s been an interesting walk with Him so far, and I’m always eager to learn more about His Word and being used in the Kingdom for His glory.

I grew up vaguely aware of God, but having no personal relationship with Him at all. I just always thought that “being good” was enough and that most of the preachers on TV were just predators going after vulnerable people for donations of all their savings in return for vague blessings from God.

Needless to say, I’ve had my eyes opened and have felt that I’ve learned (and continue to learn) a LOT since then, all by the grace of Jesus.

Here’s a video of my baptism which took place in December 2022 at Westview Baptist Church in Calgary.

For a long time my main hobby was roguelike development. I’ve entered the 7 Day Roguelike every year since 2016.

This site started as a place for posting development logs for various game projects. Nowadays I post about more general programming and electronics projects I work on in my spare time.

To contact me about this site, see the Contact page.